Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why is Salicylic Acid Great for Exfoliating?

Not Just for Models!

Anyone who knows me knows I am a Fanatic about finding new products that work and WHY! For some time I did Aspirin Masks. Basically because of its main ingredient it is one of the best ways to get rid of acne prone skin and hyper pigmentation. Not to mention, it is incredibly inexpensive. By crushing a few uncoated tablets and mixing it with peroxide you can improve your skin.

How so?

Crushing the aspirin gives it a grainy texture, which is perfect for deep exfoliation. One of Aspirin's main ingredients is Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) regularly known as Salicylic Acid. BHA, which is an exfoliate, removes the dead skin cells on the epidermis allowing new skin cells to restore. BHA improves hyper pigmentation, acne, wrinkles and roughness.

I loved using this mask and kept it as my beauty secret. But from the start there were some substantial Cons that made doing this mask a complete hassle. It was messy, time consuming, got all over my clothes and not to mention the constant sneezing from the desecrated aspirin. As I got busier I had started to cut back on my “time consuming beauty secret” and I began to develop acne on my skin. I was not exfoliating! As a professional makeup-artist, how could I approach my clients with acne all over my skin? So I decided to hit up my local Sephora and try some new products with the same key ingredient in the aspirin mask, my good friend Beta Hydroxy acid! I was happy to know that many skin care lines that carried exfoliatant products have BHA in them, but refer to it as Salicylic acid. It usually comes in concentration of 1 or 2%. Back to healthy skin without the mess!

  • Do Not Exfoliate everyday. Start off slow! Once a week than gradually adding more days no more than 3 times a week.
  • BHA makes your skin 4 times more sensitive to UVA's and UVB's rays. Make sure you use a Sunscreen to protect you skin. (read my post on sunscreen)

Products I recommend:

For questions tweet me on twitter: @MakeupByBrookeH


xo Brooke

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I saw a video, but I can't remember who it was, that talked about a BHA product from the walgreens line that is said to work. She says she mixes it with a fruit enzyme cleanser. I know the Kate Summerville one is similar to that but far too expensive. She said she got the softest skin from it. Have you ever tried mixing it with an enzyme cleanser?
